Lego Sorting Program

Do you love to sort and organize – this program is for you! Need hours for Community Service Organizations? We can help!

Contact us at to setup a training appointment and get started with your first batch of Legos! Training sessions are 30 minutes and do require a parent or guardian to attend with minors.

We aren’t looking for experienced Lego Pros but we are looking for individuals who are detailed. Individuals need to be 10 years of age or be qualified and approved by Angelina Rosser to participate.

Level I: 10 Hours

Come to Minifig Adventures and Sort Legos for 10 hours – Once 10 hours are complete, you earn $10.00 in Lego Credit from our store for purchase.

Level II: 25 hours (Level I counts towards Levell II)

Come to Minifig Adventures and Sort Legos for 25 hours – Once 25 total hours are complete, you earn $25.00 in Lego Credit from our store for purchase.

Level III: 50 hours (Level I and II count towards Level III)

Come to Minifig Adventures and Sort Legos for 50 hours – Once 50 total hours are complete, you earn $50.00 in Lego Credit from our store for purchase.

Legos may be taken home for credit and sorted for a $25.00 refundable deposit upon return. All take home Lego totes need to be returned and sorted within 14 days for a refund of the deposit.

In Store Lego sorting does not require a deposit and needs to be complete within 30 days of the start of your Lego tote.

Minifig Adventures supplies all Legos, bags for sorting, and trays.

*Some restrictions apply, Lego credit can’t be used for Lego Battle Bots, Lego Club Membership Fees, Birthday Parties, Camp Fees, and any other item at anytime added by Management. We have the right to end the program without notice and for any reason.